Naming Conventions

Drop-down Navigation Items

Top-level navigation items are presented in upper-case.

Slideshow Captions 

The caption should incorporate the following principles:

  • It should be concise (about 70 characters in length or half a tweet).
  • It should not cover the blue circles
  • Photo credit is recommended but optional.
  • Do not have more than 5 images on a slider

Banner Captions

The banner needs to include:

  • A short, catchy title (i.e. Purple Fridays)
  • A short follow up phrase providing specific details as to who, what, when, where, and why (i.e. Support your Mustangs).
  • Banner titles should be styled as follows:
  • All words in the title are capitalized and bolded
  • The follow up phrase is lower-case except the first word, which is upper case.

For example: Vanier Scholar: Adrienne Elbert, Biochemistry and Pediatrics

News on the homepage

Display all news items according to the following format and style:

  • First word capitalized, the rest are lower-case
  • No bolded titles

For example: Professor makes family connection in obesity battle

Read More

If you need to elaborate on the article, use this call to action at the end of the sentence.

For example: Lipsum ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Read more

Image "Alt" Tags

All images should have an "alt" tag when used on a page. Alt tags need to be provided for accessibility and provides alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed.

Follow these principles when creating your alt tag

  • The alt tag should describe the image
  • If an image is linked, the alt tag should explain where the link goes