Icons and Logos

Here you can find SVGs of all the main icons used on Western websites. Rather than uploading another copy of the icon to your own server, you can just link to these files. Not only does this simplify web design for teams across campus, but it also makes it easier to maintain and update should the icon change. You can link to these files by copying and pasting the code below into your own pages.

Note: the icons pictured below are at 96 pixels wide and the code provided has them set at 32 pixels wide. This is  done for visual reason to make seeing the icons easier on this page.

Social Media icons

Facebook icon

<img alt="Western on Facebook" class="social-icon" src="https://www.uwo.ca/web_standards/img/social/svg/facebook.svg" style="width: 32px;" />

Twitter icon

<img alt="Twitter" class="social-icon" src="https://www.uwo.ca/web_standards/img/social/svg/twitter-lg.svg" style="width: 32px;" />

Instagram icon

<img alt="Western on Instagram" class="social-icon" src="https://www.uwo.ca/web_standards/img/social/svg/instagram.svg" style="width: 32px;" />

LinkedIn icon

<img alt="Western on LinkedIn" class="social-icon" src="https://www.uwo.ca/web_standards/img/social/svg/linkedin.svg" style="width: 32px;" />

Weibo icon

<img alt="Western on Weibo" class="social-icon" src="https://www.uwo.ca/web_standards/img/social/svg/weibo.svg" style="width: 32px;" />

YouTube icon

<img alt="Western on YouTube" class="social-icon" src="https://www.uwo.ca/web_standards/img/social/svg/youtube1.svg" style="width: 32px;" />

Tik Tok icon

<img alt="Western on YouTube" class="social-icon" src="https://www.uwo.ca/web_standards/img/social/svg/tiktokicon.svg" style="width: 32px;" />

Utility icons

Subscribe to an RSS feed

RSS feed icon

<img alt="Subscribe to an RSS feed" class="mob-hide-icon" src="https://www.uwo.ca/web_standards/img/social/svg/rss.svg" style="width: 32px;" title="RSS" feed="" />

The Events Calendar

Calendar icon

<img alt="The Events Calendar" class="mob-hide-icon" src="https://www.uwo.ca/web_standards/img/social/svg/calendar.svg" style="width: 32px;" title="All Events"/>


PDF icon

<img alt="An icon that represents a PDF file" class="mob-hide-icon" src="https://www.uwo.ca/web_standards/img/icn/svg/pdf.svg" style="width: 32px;" title="PDF"/>


Western University

Western logo

<img alt="Western University" class="logo_img" height="80px" src="https://www.uwo.ca/img/homepage/2017/ttl-westernlogo.svg" />

Western Mustangs Logo

Western Mustangs logo

<img alt="Western Mustangs Logo" height="85" src="https://www.uwo.ca/img/homepage/2017/logo/mustangs_logo.svg" width="100" />

Utility icons

Google Scholar icon

Google Scholar icon

<img alt="Google Scholar icon" class="mob-hide-icon" src="https://www.uwo.ca/web_standards/img/social/svg/icn-googlescholar.svg" style="width: 32px;" title="Google Scholar icon" />


Academia icon

<img alt="The Events Calendar" class="mob-hide-icon" src="https://www.uwo.ca/web_standards/img/social/svg/icn-acamedia.svg" style="width: 32px;" title="Academia icon"/>

Research Gate icon

Research Gate icon

<img alt="The Events Calendar" class="mob-hide-icon" src="https://www.uwo.ca/web_standards/img/social/svg/icn-researchgate.svg" style="width: 32px;" title="Research Gate icon"/>