Image Gallery

Creating an Image Gallery

The image gallery presents images in a slideshow-like sequence in an overlay, without sending users to other pages. When users click on one image, it expands full-screen and users can click through or use a keyboard to navigate through the rest of the gallery images. This gallery is fully-responsive, which means that the images will scale up or down gracefully and swipe navigation will be available when viewed on mobile devices.

Gallery 1. An example of 3 thumbnails in one row

Gallery 2. An example of 2 thumbnails in two rows, 2 columns

3. Image Gallery - Carousel. An image gallery embedded on a page

To create an Image Gallery in Examples 1 and 2

  1. In /_cms/blocks/xhtml/ of your website, create a new block, gallery-css.
    You might find it easier to copy any of the existing blocks.

  2. In the html mode of the newly-created block, paste the following code:

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

    Submit the changes.
  3. In the page where you'd like to create the gallery, go to Edit > Outputs. In the list of regions, locate Extra Head Code. 
    In the block line, link to the gallery-css. Submit the changes.
  4. Create thumbnails of the images that you'd like to place on the landing page. Upload them to Cascade.Upload full-sized images that you'd like to use in the gallery.
    A good rule is to keep the same name convention for both small and large images with -s.jpg and -l.jpg at the end to differentiate them. For example, sunset-s.jpg and sunset-l.jpg

  5. In the HTML view window of the page, Copy and paste the gallery setup code:

    <!-- The Gallery setup. Don't change anything below this point-->
    <div id="blueimp-gallery" class="blueimp-gallery blueimp-gallery-controls">
        <div class="slides"></div>
        <h3 class="title"></h3>
        <a class="prev">‹</a>
        <a class="next">›</a>
        <a class="closeclose">×</a>
        <a class="play-pause"></a>
        <ol class="indicator"></ol>
    <!-- The Gallery. Don't change anything above this point-->

  6. In the HTML view window of the page, copy and paste the gallery code under the code from step 5:

    <h3 style="color: #06f;">Gallery 1. An example of 3 images in one row</h3>
    <!-- Gallery #1 setup starts -->
    <div class="links" id="links">
    <!--add first image with caption -->
    <a href="" title="Banana is a great source of potassium. The yellower the banana is, the better for you!">
    <!--add first thumbnail -->
    <img alt="image one" src="" /></a>
    <!--add second image with caption -->
    <a href="" title="Apples are bruised easily">
    <!-- second thumbnail -->
    <img alt="imshr" src="" /></a>
    <!-- third image with caption --> <a href="" title="Oranges contain as much vitamin C as three pills"> <!-- third thumbnail -->
    <img alt="Orange" src="" /></a>
    <!-- Gallery #1 setup ends -->

  7. Replace the original images with you own and add captions in the title placeholders where needed.
  8. In the HTML view window of the page, add the following gallery declaration script, below the code from Step 6:

    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    document.getElementById('links').onclick = function (event) {
        event = event || window.event;
        var target = || event.srcElement,
            link = target.src ? target.parentNode : target,
            options = {index: link, event: event},
            links = this.getElementsByTagName('a');
        blueimp.Gallery(links, options);

To create an Image Carousel

  1. In /_cms/blocks/xhtml/ of your website, create a new block, gallery-css.
    You might find it easier to copy any of the existing blocks.

  2. In the html mode of the newly-created block, paste the following code:

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    Submit the changes.

  3. In the page where you'd like to create the carousel, go to Edit > Outputs. In the list of regions, locate Extra Head Code. 
    In the block line, link to the gallery-css. Submit the changes.

  4. Upload full-sized images that you'd like to use in the carousel.

  5. In the HTML view window of the page, Copy and paste the gallery setup code:

    <!-- The Carousel setup. Don't change anything below this point-->
    <div class="blueimp-gallery blueimp-gallery-carousel blueimp-gallery-controls" id="blueimp-gallery-carousel">
    <div class="slides"></div>
    <h3 class="title"> </h3>
    <a class="prev">‹</a> <a class="next">›</a> <a class="play-pause"></a></div>
    <!-- The Carousel. Don't change anything above this point-->

  6. In the HTML view window of the page, setup the image links and their titles. Replace the original images with you own and add captions in the title placeholders where needed.

    <div class="links" id="links"><br/> <a href="" title="Wind Tunnel Construction, June 1983"></a> <a href="" title="Wind Tunnel Construction. June 1983"></a> <a href="" title="Wind Tunnel Construction, June 1983"></a> <a href="" title="Councils Day, June 1987"></a> <a href="" title="Councils Day, June 1987"></a> <a href="" title="Wind Tunnel. Brian Dalrymple with the Model of Tsing-Ma-Bridge, May 8, 1997."></a></div>
    <!-- Carousel setup ends -->

  7. In the HTML view window of the page, add the following gallery declaration script, below the code from Step 6:

    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript"> 
    document.getElementById('links').onclick = function (event) {
    event = event || window.event;
    var target = || event.srcElement,
    link = target.src ? target.parentNode : target,
    options = {index: link, event: event},
    links = this.getElementsByTagName('a');
    blueimp.Gallery(links, options);
    <script type="text/javascript">
    container: '#blueimp-gallery-carousel',
    carousel: true
    // </script>

To create several galleries on one page

    1. For the second gallery, copy and paste the code in Step 6 and change the id to "links2" (or 3, 4, 5, etc.)
      <div class="links" id=" links2">

    2. Add a second declaration by copying the script in Step 8 and changing the call from links to links2:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById('links').onclick = function (event) {
    event = event || window.event;
    var target = || event.srcElement,
        link = target.src ? target.parentNode : target,
        options = {index: link, event: event},
        links = this.getElementsByTagName('a');
    blueimp.Gallery(links, options);
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById(' links').onclick = function (event) {
    event = event || window.event;
    var target = || event.srcElement,
        link = target.src ? target.parentNode : target,
        options = {index: link, event: event},
        links = this.getElementsByTagName('a');
    blueimp.Gallery(links, options);
</script> <script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById(' links2').onclick = function (event) {
    event = event || window.event;
    var target = || event.srcElement,
        link = target.src ? target.parentNode : target,
        options = {index: link, event: event},
        links = this.getElementsByTagName('a');
    blueimp.Gallery(links, options);

Make one image open a slideshow

There may be cases when you'd like to have one in-page image open a gallery / slideshow of images.

To accomplish this:

  • List all slideshow images BEFORE the in-page image, including their location and captions
<div class="links" id="links">
<a href="" title="Banana">
<img alt="something gloomy" data-description="This is a banana." src="" title="Banana" /> </a>
<a href="" title="Orange"> </a>